Sunday, June 19, 2011

What's for Dinner?!

Let me start off by saying, if you really like Chili's, Applebees, McDonald's or any other vanilla thoughtless chain, you probably won't enjoy this blog.  I am a gal that has been passionate about food since before I can remember.  My family tells me stories of my undying love for mealtime and genuine appreciation for all things delicious.  My dad loves telling people how I can give you directions (or keep from getting lost) from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Ft. Walton Beach, Florida just by food landmarks!  I find great pleasure in all walks of food, but most importantly passion, great ingredients and love cooked right inside!  If I could see a police line-up of chefs/cooks I bet 9 times out of 10 I could pick the ones that could make finger licking good food!  You can just sense that spark people have for food! 
I have decided to go on a journey of food through my city and cities that come my way...places I've been, dream to eat at, hear about and places if you are smart-you will listen and stay away from.  I think if I could have any dream career it would be to become a food critic or write a column about food or while we are dreaming a food show of the likes of "Tasty Travels" or "Man v. Food".  But I figure, no sense in waiting around for my big break...I love talking about food so what's the damage in doing it for free, right?! 
I hope you will share your thoughts and opinions on places I chat about or places you LOVE or HATE or suggested adventures!  So for those of you that live to eat not eat to live, join me on a quest of culinary delight! 
**For proper credit-My hubby came up with "FoodWitch" as I was on a rant about a recent food stop which fell way below all expectations!  The broom only fits, when the food is the pits! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! Can't wait to ready all about your favorite places. We're kind of food snobs and like local original places. We eat out A LOT, so if you ever want a guest blogger, just let me know. ;)
